
2024-08-04 Ice Cream Social at Dexter UMC

2024-08-06  Racine UMC National Night Out

2024/8/16-18  Vacation Bible School at Dexter UMC

2024 June-September  Stewartville UMC Farmers' Market


The first Sunday of each month, Sumner Center UMC will collect an offering for the Fillmore County Foodshelf.

The Community Food Shelf at the Racine Church will maintain its regular hours of Monday 9:00-10:00 am and Thursdays from 6:00-7:00 pm but we ask that anyone in need of this service be symptom free and practice good social distancing while at the Food Shelf. 


Sumner Center UMC's 2024 Mission Commitment

  • First Sunday of each Month Food Shelf Monitary Collection
  • May - UMC Love Offering
  • July - Fillmore County School Supplies Collection
  • November - Angel Tree Support
  • December - Bake Sale with all donations going to Area Care Centers
  • Natural Disaster Response collections
  • and the Much Needed Continued Financial Support for our Church




Caring Phone Tree

A caring phone tree has been created to check on those who are vulnerable in our community. If you need help or care or know of someone who does, please call:

Pastor Bridget (507) 438-1352, or

Pastor Jon Marburger (507) 227-6711. 


Tithes and Offerings

All tithes and offerings may be mailed to:

Sumner Center UMC, 25378 151st Ave, Spring Valley, MN 55975